Ian Beckett MScinE³ — Entertain Enlighten EmpowerHow to Get Out of the Rabbit HoleConspiracy theory victims can be saved from their dystopian nightmare3d ago43d ago4
Ian Beckett MScinE³ — Entertain Enlighten EmpowerThe Daring Negotiation Strategy I Learned from My MotherWhen someone Says, “I will make sure you lose your job”, I hear her again6d ago26d ago2
Ian Beckett MScinE³ — Entertain Enlighten EmpowerDoing What’s Necessary Will Set You FreeFocusing on what is nice to have, will get you Tangled up in Blue, because most people just keep on keepin’ on, like the Bob Dylan song.Aug 213Aug 213
Ian Beckett MScinE³ — Entertain Enlighten EmpowerProfessional Laziness Made Me A LeaderThis is the difference between a manager and a leaderAug 192Aug 192
Ian Beckett MScinILLUMINATIONInclusive Business Transformation for OlympiansIf change is so easy, why does everyone sprint in the wrong direction when they could win a medal?Aug 72Aug 72
Ian Beckett MScinThought ThinkersJourney Through the PastI have always been suspicious of people who remember the past as “The Good Old Days”Jul 27Jul 27
Ian Beckett MScinAlfajerHow to Build a ManagerI have received HBR in the post for most of my career — it tells me every month what a manager should do to be effective but does not…Jul 263Jul 263
Ian Beckett MScThank YouThank you for all your kind comments on my latest book ….. Don’t Panic — How to Survive and Thrive as an Effective Leader.Jul 23Jul 23
Ian Beckett MScinILLUMINATIONHow to be a Toxic ManagerManagement articles usually aim to teach us how to be better managers — but never how to be brilliantly bad.Jul 22Jul 22
Ian Beckett MScinILLUMINATIONHow Privilege is PowerYou know you have privilege when equity feels like discrimination.Jul 172Jul 172